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Matching estimators of causal effects


There exists only one back-door path \(D \leftarrow S \leftrightarrow X \rightarrow Y\) and both \(S\) nor \(X\) are observable. Thus, we have a choice to condition on either one of them.


  • \(X\), regression estimator, adjustment-for-other-causes conditioning strategy

  • \(S\), matching estimator, balancing conditioning strategy


  • matching as conditioning via stratification

  • matching as weighting

  • matching as data analysis algorithm

Fundamental concepts

  • stratification of data

  • weighting to achieve balance

  • propensity scores

Views on matching

  • method to form quasi-experimental contrasts by sampling comparable treatment and control cases

  • nonparametric method of adjustment for treatment assignment patterns

Simulation data

The simulated data is inspired by real-world applications and thus rather complex. Nevertheless, the will serve as examples for several of the upcoming lectures. That is why we will invest some time initially to set up one of them in details.

Matching as conditioning via stratification

Individuals within groups determined by \(S\) are entirely indistinguishable from each other in all ways except

  • observed treatment status

  • differences in potential outcomes that are independent of treatment status

More formally, we are able to assert the following conditional independence assumptions.

\begin{align} E[Y^1 \mid D = 1, S] = E[Y^1 \mid D = 0, S] \\ E[Y^0 \mid D = 1, S] = E[Y^0 \mid D = 0, S] \end{align}

implied by …

  • treatment assignment is ignorable

  • selection on observables


\begin{align*} E[\delta \mid D = 0, S] & = E[Y^1 - Y^0 \mid D = 0, S] \\ & = E[Y^1 \mid D = 0, S] - E[Y^0 \mid D = 0, S] \\ & = E[Y^1 \mid D = 1, S] - E[Y^0 \mid D = 0, S] \\ & = E[Y \mid D = 1, S] - E[Y \mid D = 0, S] \\ \end{align*}


\begin{align*} E[\delta \mid D = 1, S] & = E[Y^1 - Y^0 \mid D = 1, S] \\ & = E[Y^1 \mid D = 1, S] - E[Y^0 \mid D = 1, S] \\ & = E[Y \mid D = 1, S] - E[Y \mid D = 0, S] \\ \end{align*}

Note that each of the two derivations above, requires only one of the two conditional independence assumptions.

Let’s turn to our first simulation exercise:


All the things we can learn:

  • naive estimate

  • average effect of treatment

  • average effect of treatment on controls

  • average effect of treatment on treated

Notable features

  • The gains from treatment participation differ in each stratum and those that have the most to gain are more likely to participate. So unconditional independence between \(D\) and \((Y^1, Y^2)\) does not hold.

Let’s study these idealized conditions for a simulated dataset.

def get_sample_matching_demonstration_1(num_agents):
    """Simulate sample

    Simulates a sample based for mathcing demonstration one using the information provided
    in Table 6.1.

        num_agents: An integer that specifies the number of individuals
            to sample.

        Returns a dataframe with the observables (Y, S, D) as well as
        the unobservables (Y_1, Y_0).

    def get_potential_outcomes(s):
        """Get potential outcomes.

        Assigns the potential outcomes based on the observable S and
        the information in Table 6.1.

            The two potential outcomes are solely a function of the
            observable and are not associated with the treatment
            variable D.

            s: an integer for the value of the stratification variable

            A tuple with the two potential outcomes.
        if s == 1:
            y_1, y_0 = 4, 2
        elif s == 2:
            y_1, y_0 = 8, 6
        elif s == 3:
            y_1, y_0 = 14, 10
            raise AssertionError

        # We want some randomness.
        y_1 += np.random.normal()
        y_0 += np.random.normal()

        return y_1, y_0

    # Store some information about the sample variables
    # and initialize an empty dataframe.
    info = OrderedDict()
    info["Y"] = float
    info["D"] = int
    info["S"] = int
    info["Y_1"] = float
    info["Y_0"] = float

    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=info.keys())

    for i in range(num_agents):
        # Simulate from the joint distribution of the
        # observables.
        deviates = list(product(range(1, 4), range(2)))
        probs = [0.36, 0.08, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.20]
        idx = np.random.choice(range(6), p=probs)
        s, d = deviates[idx]

        # Get potential outcomes and determine observed
        # outcome.
        y_1, y_0 = get_potential_outcomes(s)
        y = d * y_1 + (1 - d) * y_0

        # Collect information
        df.loc[i] = y, d, s, y_1, y_0

    # We want to enforce suitable types for each column.
    # Unfortunately, this cannot be done at the time of
    # initialization.
    df = df.astype(info)

    return df

Let us see our simulation in action.

df = get_sample_matching_demonstration_1(num_agents=1000)
df[["Y", "D", "S"]].head()
0 9.254559 0 3
1 7.651437 0 2
2 13.795799 1 3
3 5.265936 1 1
4 3.856628 1 1

We are in the comfortable position to not only compute the naive estimate but also the true average treatment effect.

ate_naive = df.query("D == 1")["Y"].mean() - df.query("D == 0")["Y"].mean()
ate_true = df["Y_1"].sub(df["Y_0"]).mean()

f"The true ATE is {ate_true:4.2f} while its naive estimate is {ate_naive:4.2f}. Why?"
'The true ATE is 2.73 while its naive estimate is 5.96. Why?'

What to do?

df.groupby(["S", "D"])["Y"].mean()
S  D
1  0     2.086518
   1     4.187777
2  0     6.032950
   1     8.058900
3  0     9.902624
   1    14.136920
Name: Y, dtype: float64

Note that the observed outcomes within each stratum correspond to the average potential outcome within the stratum. We can compute the average treatment effect by looking at the difference within each strata.

rslt_outc = df.groupby(["S", "D"])["Y"].mean()
rslt_strat = df["S"].value_counts(normalize=True)

ate_est = 0.0
for s in [1, 2, 3]:
    ate_est += (rslt_outc.loc[s, 1] - rslt_outc.loc[s, 0]) * rslt_strat[s]

f"The stratified estimate for the ATE is {ate_est:4.2f}"
'The stratified estimate for the ATE is 2.80'

The ATT and ATC can be computed analogously just by applying the appropriate weights to the strata-specific effect of treatment.

More generally.

\begin{align*} \{E_N [y_i \mid d_i = 1, s = s_i] - E_N [y_i \mid d_i = 0, s = s_i]\} \\ \xrightarrow{p} E[Y^1 - Y^0\mid S = s] = E[\delta \mid S = s]. \end{align*}

Weighted sums of these stratified estimates can then be taken such as for the unconditional ATE:

\begin{align*} & \sum_s \{E_N[y_i \mid d_i = 1, s_i = s] - E_N[y_i \mid d_i = 0, s_i = s]\} \\ & * {\Pr}_N[s_i = s] \xrightarrow{p} E[\delta] \end{align*}

This examples shows all of the basic principles in matching estimators that we will discuss in greater detail in this lecture.

  • Treatment and control subjects are matched together in the sense that they are grouped together into strata.

  • An average difference between the outcomes of the treatment and control subjects is estimated, based on a weighting of the strata by common distribution.

Overlap conditions

Let’s introduce our first complication:


df = get_sample_matching_demonstration_2(num_agents=1000)
df[["Y", "D", "S"]].head()
0 0.495446 0 1
1 7.495097 1 2
2 7.614248 1 2
3 5.407392 0 2
4 12.524174 1 3
df.groupby(["S", "D"])["Y"].mean()
S  D
1  0     2.097111
2  0     6.028036
   1     8.058439
3  0     9.981168
   1    14.023508
Name: Y, dtype: float64

Can we at least learn about the treatment on the treated? What else can we do?

Matching as weighting

As indicated by the stylized example, there are often many strata where we do not have treated and control individuals available at the same time.

\(\rightarrow\) combine information from different strata with the same propensity score \(p\)

Definition The estimated propensity score is the estimated probability of taking the treatment as a function of variables that predict treatment assignment, i.e. \(\Pr[D = 1 \mid S]\).

\(\rightarrow\) stratifying on the propensity score itself ameliorates the sparseness problem because the propensity score can be treated as a single stratifying variable (Rosenbaum & Rubin (1983)).

# We create a grid for two observable characteristics that drive treatment selection and o
a_grid = np.linspace(0.01, 1.00, 100)
b_grid = np.linspace(0.01, 1.00, 100)

# We need to study some features of this function to
# to get a sense on the underyling economics.
df, counts = get_sample_matching_demonstration_3(a_grid, b_grid)
a b d y y_1 y_0 p
0 0.01 0.03 0 94.788634 102.807448 94.788634 0.332700
1 0.01 0.04 1 107.735609 107.735609 93.808018 0.334033
2 0.01 0.05 0 104.010898 97.937608 104.010898 0.335369
3 0.01 0.05 0 107.356485 98.919732 107.356485 0.335369
4 0.01 0.06 1 109.372171 109.372171 95.717052 0.336708

underlying causal graphs


We will now look at different ways to construct estimates for the usual causal parameters. So, we first compute their true counterparts.

stat = df["y_1"].sub(df["y_0"]).mean()
print(f"ATE true:  {stat:5.3f}")

df_treated = df.query("d == 1")
df_control = df.query("d == 0")

stat = df_treated["y"].mean() - df_control["y"].mean()
print(f"ATE naive: {stat:5.3f}")
ATE true:  4.397
ATE naive: 4.846

Let’s collect all effects in a dictionary for use further downstream.

true_effects = list()
true_effects += [df_treated["y_1"].sub(df_treated["y_0"]).mean()]
true_effects += [df_control["y_1"].sub(df_control["y_0"]).mean()]
true_effects += [(df["y_1"] - df["y_0"]).mean()]

How about the issue of sparsity on the data?


How does the propensity score \(P(D = 1\mid S)\) as a function of the observables \((a, b)\) look like?

plot_propensity_score(a_grid, b_grid)

We still must be worried about common support.

\begin{align*} \hat{\delta}_{\text{ATT, weight}} \equiv \left( \frac{1}{n^1}\sum_{i:d_i = 1} y_i\right) - \left(\frac{\sum_{i:d_i=0}\hat{r}_i y_i}{\sum_{i:d_i = 0} \hat{r}_i}\right) \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \hat{\delta}_{\text{ATC, weight}} \equiv \left( \frac{\sum_{i: d_i = 1}\frac{y_i}{\hat{r}_i}}{\sum_{i: d_i = 1}\frac{1}{\hat{r}_i}} \right) - \left(\frac{1}{n^0} \sum_{i: d_i = 0} y_i\right) \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \hat{\delta}_{\text{ATE, weight}} \equiv \left(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i}d_i\right) \hat{\delta}_{\text{ATT, weight}} + \left(1 - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i}d_i\right) \hat{\delta}_{\text{ATC, weight}} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} r_i = \frac{p_i}{1 - p_i} \end{align*}

We will now turn to some programming as it introduces you to the actual setup for the propensity score estimation and points towards the issues of potential model misspecification.

def get_att_weight(df, p):
    """Get weighted ATT.

    Calculates the weighted ATT basd on a provided
    dataset and the propensity score.

        df: A dataframe with the observed data.
        p: A numpy array with the weights.

        A float which corresponds to the ATT.
    df_int = df.copy()
    df_int["weights"] = get_odds(p)

    value, weights = df_int.query("d == 0")[["y", "weights"]].values.T
    att = df_int.query("d == 1")["y"].mean() - np.average(value, weights=weights)

    return att

def get_atc_weight(df, p):
    """Get weighted ATC.

    Calculates the weighted ATC basd on a provided
    dataset and the propensity score.

        df: A dataframe with the observed data.
        p: A numpy array with the weights.

        A float which corresponds to the ATC.
    df_int = df.copy()
    df_int["weights"] = get_inv_odds(p)

    value, weights = df_int.query("d == 1")[["y", "weights"]].values.T
    atc = np.average(value, weights=weights) - df.query("d == 0")["y"].mean()

    return atc

def get_ate_weight(df, p):
    """Get weighted ATE.

    Calculates the weighted ATE basd on a provided
    dataset and the propensity score.

        df: A dataframe with the observed data.
        p: A numpy array with the weights.

        A float which corresponds to the ATE.
    share_treated = df["d"].value_counts(normalize=True)[1]

    atc = get_atc_weight(df, p)
    att = get_att_weight(df, p)

    return share_treated * att + (1.0 - share_treated) * atc

rslt = dict()
for model in ["true", "correct", "misspecified"]:


    p = get_propensity_score_3(df, model)

    rslt[model] = list()
    rslt[model] += [get_att_weight(df, p)]
    rslt[model] += [get_atc_weight(df, p)]
    rslt[model] += [get_ate_weight(df, p)]

    print("estimated: ATT {:5.3f} ATC {:5.3f} ATE {:5.3f}".format(*rslt[model]))
    print("true:      ATT {:5.3f} ATC {:5.3f} ATE {:5.3f}".format(*true_effects))

estimated: ATT 4.567 ATC 4.356 ATE 4.456
true:      ATT 4.549 ATC 4.259 ATE 4.397

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.683753
         Iterations 4
estimated: ATT 4.557 ATC 4.349 ATE 4.448
true:      ATT 4.549 ATC 4.259 ATE 4.397

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.683792
         Iterations 4
estimated: ATT 4.560 ATC 4.344 ATE 4.447
true:      ATT 4.549 ATC 4.259 ATE 4.397

If the treatment assignment can be modeled perfectly, one can solve the sparseness problem that afflict finite datasets.


  • perfect stratification of the propensity-score-estimating equation

    • capture all back-door paths

    • misspecification of propensity score equation

Matching as data analysis algorithm

\begin{align*} \hat{\delta}_{\text{ATT, match}} = \frac{1}{n^1} \sum_i \left[(y_i \mid d_i = 1) - \sum_j \omega_{i, j} (y_j \mid d_j =0 )\right] \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \hat{\delta}_{\text{ATC, match}} = \frac{1}{n^0} \sum_j \left[\sum_i \omega_{j, i} (y_i\mid d_i = 1) - (y_j \mid d_j = 0)\right] \end{align*}

Alternative matching estimators can be represented as different procedures for deriving the weights \(\omega_{i,j}\) and \(\omega_{j, i}\) in the two expressions above.

Design choices

  • How many matched cases designated for each to-be-matched target?

  • How to weigh multiple matched cases if more than one is utilized for each target case?

Basic variants

  • exact matching

    • construct counterfactual based on individuals with identical \(S\)

  • nearest-neighbor and caliper

    • construct counterfactual based on individuals closest on a unidimensional measure (e.g. propensity score), caliper ensures reasonable maximum distance to neighbor

  • interval matching

    • construct counterfactual by sorting individuals into segments based on unidimensional metric

  • kernel matching

    • constructs counterfactual based on all individuals but weights them based on the distance

Benchmarking tutorial

We revisit a simulated version of the data used in Morgan (2001). He contributes to the debate over the size of the causal of effect of Catholic schooling on test scores. The dataset is provided by the textbook and also available in our online repository.


  • What is the relative performance of alternative matching estimators?

  • What is the consequence of conditioning only on a subset of the variables in the set of perfect stratification variables \(S\).

df = get_sample_matching_demonstration_4()
y treat asian hispanic black natamer urban neast ncentral south ... ncentralblack southblack twohisp neasthisp ncentralhisp southhisp yt yc dshock d
count 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.00000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 ... 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.000000 10000.00000 10000.000000 10000.000000 1.000000e+04 10000.000000
mean 100.459241 0.105200 0.089800 0.143300 0.096100 0.007500 0.38910 0.208100 0.264000 0.302200 ... 0.018200 0.050500 0.102100 0.016000 0.014900 0.05590 105.729319 99.727395 7.105427e-18 6.001924
std 13.493304 0.306826 0.285909 0.350396 0.294743 0.086281 0.48757 0.405969 0.440821 0.459234 ... 0.133681 0.218985 0.302795 0.125481 0.121159 0.22974 13.525777 13.202781 2.088954e+00 2.146356
min 50.065298 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 54.788152 50.065298 -7.765338e+00 -2.142958
25% 91.519660 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 96.848440 91.025084 -1.386373e+00 4.587783
50% 100.303288 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 105.712292 99.685598 1.763749e-02 6.010071
75% 109.459337 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.00000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 114.828609 108.607459 1.391807e+00 7.438161
max 159.426572 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.00000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.00000 159.790235 151.442150 8.432203e+00 14.653340

8 rows × 30 columns

Let us look at some example covariates.

example_covariates = ["black", "urban", "test"]
black urban test
count 10000.000000 10000.00000 10000.000000
mean 0.096100 0.38910 -0.002229
std 0.294743 0.48757 0.991747
min 0.000000 0.00000 -3.862709
25% 0.000000 0.00000 -0.676463
50% 0.000000 0.00000 -0.006683
75% 0.000000 1.00000 0.660488
max 1.000000 1.00000 3.722783
sns.countplot(x="treat", data=df)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='treat', ylabel='count'>


Is there any hope in identifying the \(ATE\)?



There exists systematic treatment effect heterogeneity:


Here comes the key feature that generates the dependence between \(D\) and \(Y\) based on an unobservable.

\begin{align*} y_i^1 = y_i^0 + \delta^\prime_i + \delta^{\prime\prime}_i \end{align*}

\(\rightarrow\) \(\delta^{\prime\prime}_i\) is a associated with one of the potential outcomes and also affects the probability to select treatment. Individuals that have the most to gain from treatment are more likely to select into treatment.

However, we can still identify the \(ATT\). Why?

\begin{align*} E[\delta \mid D = 1, S] & = E[Y^1 - Y^0 \mid D = 1, S] \\ & = E[Y^1 \mid D = 1, S] - E[Y^0 \mid D = 1, S] \\ & = E[Y^1 \mid D = 1, S] - E[Y^0 \mid D = 0, S] \\ & = E[Y \mid D = 1, S] - E[Y \mid D = 0, S] \\ \end{align*}

We establish a clear benchmark by looking at the true treatment effect.

stat = (df["yt"] - df["yc"])[df["treat"] == 1].mean()
print(f"The true ATT is {stat:5.3f}")
The true ATT is 6.957

How are doing with respect to common support for the propensity score?

df = get_sample_matching_demonstration_4()
df["p"] = get_propensity_scores_matching_demonstration_4(df)
get_common_support(df, "treat")
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.252643
         Iterations 8

Now we implement our own nearest neighbor matching routine.

def nearest_neighbor_algorithm_for_att(df):

    # We select all treated individuals
    df_control = df.query("treat == 0").reset_index()
    df_treated = df.query("treat == 1").reset_index()

    # We create a new dataframe wth the nearest neighbor.
    df_neighbour = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns)

    # We want to store the information about the nearest neighbor.
    idx_list = list()

    for i, (index, row) in enumerate(df_treated.iterrows()):

        df_control["distance"] = np.abs(df_control["p"] - row["p"])
        idx_ngbr = df_control["distance"].idxmin()

        df_neighbour.loc[i, :] = df_control.loc[idx_ngbr, :]

        # We want to record the index of the neighbor.

    df_neighbour = df_neighbour.add_suffix("_ngbr")
    df_matched = pd.concat([df_treated, df_neighbour], axis=1)

    return df_matched, pd.Series(idx_list)

Let’s put our algorithm to work!

df_matched, idx_series = nearest_neighbor_algorithm_for_att(df)

How well are we able to match individuals based on their propensity score? How does earnings compare between matched individuals?

sns.jointplot(x="p", y="p_ngbr", data=df_matched, xlim=[0, 1], ylim=[0, 1])
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x7f1d276227d0>
sns.jointplot(x="y", y="y_ngbr", data=df_matched, xlim=[70, 140], ylim=[70, 140])
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x7f1d276221d0>

After all this effort, what is our treatment effect estimate?

stat = (df_matched["y"] - df_matched["y_ngbr"]).mean()
print(f"Here is our estimate for the treatment effect: {stat:5.3f}")
Here is our estimate for the treatment effect: 7.236

How often do we match the same individual?

1236    13
1701    11
1129    11
1715    10
3424     6
948      1
2998     1
2999     1
3830     1
2047     1
Length: 790, dtype: int64

How do our covariantes balance across treatment status?

treat 0 1
black 0.092646 0.125475
urban 0.337953 0.824144
test -0.039018 0.310690

We now want to revisit the balancing of covariates.

for col in example_covariates:
    print("\n", col)
    print(f"treated: {df_matched[col].mean():5.3f}")
    print(f"matched: {df_matched[col + '_ngbr'].mean():5.3f}")

treated: 0.125
matched: 0.142

treated: 0.824
matched: 0.827

treated: 0.311
matched: 0.309

Let’s take a little detour and look at the balancing of observables in the Lalonde dataset.

df = get_lalonde_data()
data_id treat age education black hispanic married nodegree re75 re78 Y Y_0 Y_1 D
0 Lalonde Sample 1 37 11 1 0 1 1 0.0 9930.0460 9930.0460 NaN 9930.0460 1
1 Lalonde Sample 1 22 9 0 1 0 1 0.0 3595.8940 3595.8940 NaN 3595.8940 1
2 Lalonde Sample 1 30 12 1 0 0 0 0.0 24909.4500 24909.4500 NaN 24909.4500 1
3 Lalonde Sample 1 27 11 1 0 0 1 0.0 7506.1460 7506.1460 NaN 7506.1460 1
4 Lalonde Sample 1 33 8 1 0 0 1 0.0 289.7899 289.7899 NaN 289.7899 1
example_covariates = ["black", "married", "hispanic", "re75"]
treat 0 1
black 0.800000 0.801347
married 0.157647 0.168350
hispanic 0.112941 0.094276
re75 3026.682743 3066.098187

The covariates are balanced before any reweighting thanks to the assignment mechanisms.

Returning to our simulated example. Which matching algorihtm is the best?

Incomplete specification

  • missing higher-order interactions in propensity score and omission of cognitive variable



  • The estimates for the incomplete specification are usually much larger.

  • Software programs that used the same routine yield very different estimates.
